CHAMP expands to offer Massage Therapy!
I am thrilled to announce Charles C. as our massage therapist at CHAMP. Charles is a graduate of the Indiana College of Sports and Medical Massage. He joins CHAMP on Mondays and Wednesday afternoons beginning October 12.
I have wanted to expand CHAMP and offer massage therapy for my patients because I know that massage therapy will complete the highest level of care we can offer. At CHAMP we want to maximize clients’ and patients’ treatment and help them reach their personal goals.
Charles is a perfect fit for CHAMP. Several years ago he was in an accident. He attributes his ability to recover and return to his active lifestyle to the combination of chiropractic care and massage therapy. In fact it was his rehabilitation through chiropractic and massage that brought him to a massage therapy career and to CHAMP.
Beginning immediately massage therapy will be an additional treatment used for chiropractic patients and a service available to CHAMP Fitness members and the public.
CHAMP will be offering a 60-minute introductory massage for $49.99. We will also be offering spot therapy massage treatments, massage packages, and memberships. Don’t hesitate to get started to make massage therapy part of your overall wellness.
Call today 317-219-4980 or book online
Dr. Ian Stone, Owner and Chiropractor
BY: Ian Stone
chiropractic / injury / Massage Therapy / Medical Articles / News / pain / wellness
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Think You’ve Tried Everything?
Have you tried chiropractic? Many of my current patients come to see me for chiropractic care as a last resort. They’ve tried everything else first. They’ve accepted that pain is their new normal.
I want you to know that you don’t have to try everything else first, in many cases chiropractic care can be your first call. Chances are that with early intervention, chiropractic care may be your last call too.
Here are just a few success stories about our treatments…
Chiropractic Care and Plantar Fasciitis
Tammy came to me after her medical doctor and orthopedic doctor told her “the only thing she could do was wear orthotic shoes or insoles every day.” Tammy didn’t accept this as her only option and began treatment and therapy at CHAMP. In about two months of regular treatments her constant pain from Plantar Fasciitis has ended and she doesn’t have to wear special shoes or insoles. Tammy has been free from Plantar Fasciitis pain for two years.
Chiropractic Care and Range of Motion

Brian came to see me after he sustained a shoulder injury on the golf course. Brian is an avid golfer and actually had been attending my golf fitness class for months before his injury. Brian hadn’t been to a chiropractor before. We worked together with graston, ART, and spinal manipulation to return and even improve the range of motion in his shoulder. Now Brian has become a regular chiropractic patient and does wellness visits to keep feeling strong and healthy.
Kathy came to see me two years after breaking her arm and shoulder from a fall and extensive surgery. Even after two years of physical therapy and rehabilitation, Kathy was unable to manage simple daily tasks like drying her hair or fastening an undergarment, and it had greatly affected her quality of life. At the time Kathy was 69 and starting to accept that she’d have to live with limited range of motion the rest of her life. Kathy’s visits lasted 6 months with chiropractic adjustments, graston, ART and Cold laser. She went from being 4 inches away from touching her own ear to placing her hand at the base of her neck. She can now use a curling iron to style her hair something she dreamed about before chiropractic treatment.
I know from personal conversations with each of these patients and many others that they wished they had tried chiropractic sooner. If you feel like you’ve tried everything, give me a call to set up a free consultation to talk through a treatment plan. You don’t have to accept daily pain and a diminished quality of life. Chiropractic may be the answer you’ve been seeking.

Dr. Ian Stone
Same-Day Appointments, Insurance Accepted, Free Consultations….what’s stopping you from feeling better today?
BY: Ian Stone
A.R.T. / chiropractic / cold laser / feet / graston / injury / Medical Articles / pain / wellness
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What is 60% of your Body Weight?
That’s right! Water is the largest component of the human body – comprising of about 60% of your body weight. Your brain, skin, kidneys, heart, cells, muscles, joints, digestion, and temperature are greatly affected by your hydration level. I like to think of my blood vessels and organs as a big water park – if the water flow is low are turned off, the park doesn’t function properly… kids would get stick to the bottom of the slides, the equipment would get Very hot and unusable. Your body is the same way. You must be properly hydrated to get nutrients swooshing through your blood stream like The Summit Plummet at Disney! So how do we make sure we are properly hydrated????
First, go to It’s a really cool hydration calculator to get an estimate of how much fluid you should consume each day. Then, follow these 3 hydration steps to stay safe and maximize your performance!
performance suffers when you start an activity dehydrated. with less circulating fluid, your heart has to work harder and your body temperature rises higher and faster. Your body is not able to cool itself properly and your endurance suffers.
ACSM (American College of Sport’s Medicine) recommends 14-20oz of fluid 2-hrs BEFORE an activity.
not too little – not too much – the best way to hydrate is to calculate and then match your Sweat Rate (go to ) For strenuous activity lasting more than an hour hydrating with a sports drink will help you replace lost electrolytes.
rehydrate with 16oz of fluid for every pound you lose due to physical activity!
Now you have a few tips and tools to utilize to keep you running like a CHAMP, but remember, with each workout you are getting fitter. Your lungs, muscles, and bones are getting stronger; your body weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol may be decreasing; and your body is becoming more efficient at sweating! You may start to notice that you start sweating earlier — your body is catching on that you are serious about this fitness stuff and so it starts to sweat earlier in the workout so that you will not get overheated. Next, your body becomes more efficient at cooling you off — the volume of sweat is increased (i.e. the puddle you are laying in after BodyStep) and your sweat composition changes so that you lose fewer electrolytes. So, as with everything keep reassessing and adjusting and enjoy your new found ATHLETIC GLOW!
Happy Glistening,
BY: Dana Stone
fitness / Fitness Consulting / group fitness / les mills / Medical Articles / Weight Loss
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